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Image by Jess Zoerb

Your Questions Answered

We've put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about Movement Evolution.

Is there a registration fee?

No, Movement Evolution does not have a registration fee.

How do I pay for classes?

You can pay online with a credit/debit card or offline at the studio.

Do I need to pay for all 8 months?

No, you can make monthly payments or multi-month payments.

How do I make monthly payments?

Each month you will visit our website, click on your dancer's class, select One month, then add to cart.

Can I make multi-month payments?

Yes, you can pay for multiple months.  If you want to pay for 2 months select Two months, if you want to pay for half the year select Four months, if you want to pay for the full year select Eight months.

Does Movement Evolution have Auto-Pay?

Movement Evolution does not offer automatic payments at this time.  Please make your payments by the 15th of each month to avoid a late fee.

Will Movement Evolution remind me if a payment is due?

Yes, Movement Evolution will send an email and/or a text message reminder of an upcoming payment.

When do I have to order costumes by?

All costumes must be ordered by October 1st.

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